Our Family

We are a family with three children. Us parents were born in Europe. Our children were each born in a different country spanning two continents. So it will come as no surprise that we love to travel.

We travel the way that is best suited for our family’s needs of that moment, and tweak things until they work for us. We invite you to experience some of our trips through our writing and hope to inspire more families to fulfil their deepest travel desires.

Happy travels!



The author of this website. The person who dreams up these trips and schemes until they can happen. The homeschool mom so that more trips can happen.

Contact Joelle for more info.



The person in our family who makes the travel happen from a financial point of view. Our resident maritime specialist and an inspiration to our children.


Age 10



An adventurous 13 year old. She has made a commitment to contribute to stopping the damage to rainforests. Her hobbies include ice hockey, ballet, swimming, gymnastics, music and reading.


Age 8



An 11 year old with an entrepreneurial mindset and skills. His hobbies include math, ice hockey, soccer, ballet, gymnastics, reading and music.


Age 3



At 6 years old, the youngest and no less active family member. Our resident sunshine.



Our energetic Irish Setter, totally cheeky, with a tendency to seeking more freedom than intended for him. Our protector and alarm system and oh so cuddly.